Ikut Aksi Protes George Floyd, Penyanyi Halsey Tertembak Peluru Karet dan Mendapat Pukulan

- 2 Juni 2020, 08:00 WIB
Penyani Halsey mengungkap pengalamannya saat ikut aksi protes terkait kematian George Floyd di Los Angeles.*
Penyani Halsey mengungkap pengalamannya saat ikut aksi protes terkait kematian George Floyd di Los Angeles.* //Instagram @iamhalsey

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Penyani Halsey mengungkap pengalamannya saat ikut aksi protes terkait kematian George Floyd di Los Angeles.

Hasley menjelaskan bahwa ia terkena peluru karet dan cedera akibat pukulan yang diterimanya.

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It’s become very clear to me that some of you need to see what I’ve seen. Please swipe through this. These pictures and videos don’t even scratch the surface. It’s easy from the comfort of your home to watch looting and rioting on television and condone the violent measures being taken by forces. But what you don’t see is innocent peaceful protestors being shot at and tear gassed and physically assaulted relentlessly. You think it’s not happening, it’s only the “thugs” and the “riots”, right? The police are keeping you safe right? You’re wrong. This is happening everywhere. And innocent people exercising their rights to speech and assembly are facing violence and abuse of power. With all of our medical professionals being CONSUMED and EXHAUSTED with Covid, there is little to no medical attention available. I have first hand treated men women and children who have been shot in the chest, the face, the back. Some will lose vision some have lost fingers. I have been covered in innocent blood. My father is a black man. My mother is an EMT. This week I had to put those two associations together in ways that have horrified me. This is NOT a virtue signaling post. But I HAVE to show you what I am witnessing with my own eyes. With Trump’s decision today to enforce the mobilization of armed forces on our own citizens, this has escalated beyond your privilege and comfort to not care. Please care. We are begging you to care. This is war on Americans. This is everyone’s problem. Everyone’s. #BLACKLIVESMATTER

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Penyayi berumur 25 tahun tersebut menyiarkan langsung aksi protesnya dan pertemuannya dengan pihak kepolisian. Ia mengatakan banyak yang ditangkap, namun ia tetap aman.

"Polisi menembakkan peluru karet ke kami. Kami tidak melanggar batas. Tangan terangkat. Tidak bergerak. Dan mereka membunuh gas dan menembak.

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“Ini menghantam saya melalui lapisan-lapisan kain dan untuk itu, saya sangat istimewa. Dari jarak dekat itu akan menyebabkan cedera serius," cuit Halsey sambil mengunggah foto-foto aksi protes.

Wanita bernama lengkap Ashley Nicolette Frangipane tersebut telah menyusun daftar organisasi yang mendukung gerakan Black Lives Matter.

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Ia pun mendorong penggemar untuk ikut mneyumbangkan sebagaian donasi sesuai kemampuan mereka. Saat pertamakali di sebarkan (29 Mei), kontribusi awal mencapai 100.000 USD.

“Mereka ditembakkan ke wajah orang-orang selama saat-saat damai demonstrasi. Jika Anda adalah pengikut saya yang 'tidak ikut campur' tetapi Anda marah, saya punya sedikit memar karena tidak melakukan apa pun yang melanggar hukum, maka anggaplah Anda ADALAH di pihak kita.

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"Karena kenyataan apa yang terjadi pada orang kulit hitam setiap hari lebih buruk daripada memar saya. Jadi terlibatlah," ungkap Halsey dikutip dari NME.

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as many of you know George Floyd was a black man murdered by a police officer. He was unarmed and initially restrained for a nonviolent crime. Say his name. Share this information. If you have friends and family who are privileged enough to “stay away from this kind of news” then take that fucking privilege away. Uplift the voices of black members of your community voicing their fear or outrage or grief. ????????????????Text “FLOYD” to 55156???????????????? and sign the petition seeking justice. The officers in question have been terminated and given paid leave. This is not sufficient punishment for murder. They need to be prosecuted. if you’re staying silent you’re contributing to the problem. I am updated on my Twitter if you are looking for more resources and information. The link for donations to black lives matter is in my bio. #blacklivesmatter

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Editor: Tyas Siti Gantina

Sumber: NME


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