30 Ucapan Hari Valentine dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Pasangan, Keluarga dan Teman Terdekat

- 14 Februari 2023, 07:15 WIB
Berikut 30 ucapan Hari Valentine untuk dibagikan kepada pasangan, keluarga dan teman terdekat pada 14 Februari 2023 ini.
Berikut 30 ucapan Hari Valentine untuk dibagikan kepada pasangan, keluarga dan teman terdekat pada 14 Februari 2023 ini. /Freepik/gpointstudio

3. Especially today, I hope you feel how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you in my life.

4. Wishing the sweetest, happiest day to my forever Valentine.

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5. After so many years of being together, my heart still feels the same for you. Happy Valentine’s Day Love!

6. On Valentine’s Day and every day, next to you is my favorite place to be.

7. Not only in this Valentine, but also in every moment I have spent with you has been special.

8. Happy Valentine’s Day to the most special person in my life.

9. I’m so excited to be sharing our first Valentine’s Day together. I hope it’s the first of many.

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10. As time goes on, nothing is sweeter and more precious than the love I have for you.


Editor: Wulandari Noor

Sumber: Reader's Digest


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