Ucapan Romantis Hari Valentine 2023 untuk Pacar Tercinta: I Love You More Than Coffee

- 13 Februari 2023, 20:15 WIB
Simak kumpulan ucapan romantis untuk merayakan Hari Valentine pada Selasa, 14 Februari 2023 mendatang.
Simak kumpulan ucapan romantis untuk merayakan Hari Valentine pada Selasa, 14 Februari 2023 mendatang. /Pixabay/Alice Bitencourt/

Baca Juga: Tes Kepribadian: Apa yang Pertama Kamu Lihat pada Gambar? Bisa Tunjukkan Suka Berpetualang atau Tidak

1. Happy Valentine’s Day! My favorite place in the world is next to you.

2. You may hold my hand for awhile, but you hold my heart forever.

3. I never believed in luck until I found you.

4. To another Valentine's Day spent with the love of my life, and to many more.

Baca Juga: Terkait Kasus Brigadir J, Hakim Simpulkan Unsur Perencanaan Pembunuhan Terpenuhi

5. I fell in love with you because of all the small things you don’t even realize you’re doing.

6. Thank you for making me laugh and smile every single day since the day we met.

7. I love you. But I like you a lot better after my first cup of coffee

8. You have the worst taste in TV shows, and I’m still madly in love with you. That’s how you know it’s real.


Editor: Thytha Surya Swastika

Sumber: Good House Keeping History


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