10 Kartu Ucapan Natal Bahasa Inggris, Rayakan Momentum 25 Desember

5 Desember 2021, 17:26 WIB
10 kartu ucapan Natal pakai Bahasa Inggris untuk orang tersayang. Rayakan momentum 25 Desember dengan penuh kasih.* /pixabay/nennieinszweidrei

PR TASIKMALAYA - Perayaan Natal 25 Desember identik dengan hadiah, pohon yang dihias, makan malam, dan kartu ucapan.

Kartu ucapan Natal berarti berisi keceriaan dan kebahagiaan bagi orang yang mengirim dan menerimanya.

Ucapan-ucapan pada kartu Natal juga bisa ditulis mulai dari pesan lucu hingga hal-hal yang romantis.

Biasanya, kartu ucapan Natal akan diberikan kepada orang-orang tersayang, sambil menyeratakan sebuah foto.

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Berikut 10 ucapan kartu Natal Bahasa Inggris yang cocok untuk merayakan momentum 25 Desember:

1. “You’re a gift in my life. And not the kind I’d return for store credit. Merry Christmas!”

2. "They say the best Christmas gifts come from the heart … but cash and gift cards do wonders too! Happy Holidays!"

3. “I told Santa you were good this year and sent him a link to your Pinterest board. Merry Christmas to you!”

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4. "Please note: Christmas is canceled. Apparently, you told Santa you have been good this year … he died laughing."

5. "Christmas is mostly for children. But we adults can enjoy it too, until the credit card bills arrive."

6. "May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!"

7. “I hope the magic of Christmas fills every corner of your heart and home with joy — now and always.”

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8. “May your family have a holiday season that is full of wonderful surprises, treats and nonstop laughter.”

9. "Happy Holidays! I hope all of your Christmas wishes come true."

10. “Our family wishes you love, joy and peace … today, tomorrow and always.”.***


Editor: Tyas Siti Gantina


