Ide Ucapan Pernikahan Islami dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Keluarga hingga Sahabat

- 19 Februari 2023, 17:58 WIB
Ilustrasi pernikahan./Freepik/
Ilustrasi pernikahan./Freepik/ /

11. May Allah strengthens the knot between both of you and helps you to stay together forever, that’s my wish for you on your wedding day.

12. I hope you guys will have a memorable and wonderful day at your wedding, I am sending all the good wishes and love to you.

13. I hope you guys will have a memorable and wonderful day at your wedding, I am sending all the good wishes and love to you.

14. I wish may Allah help you to reach the peak of success and all the blessings be with you in this marriage day.

15. Marriage is the most beautiful knot between a girl and a boy, nothing could be more beautiful than this. Today you are getting married and all my blessings and duas are with you, dear.***


Editor: Thytha Surya Swastika

Sumber: Best Wishes and Messages

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